Hi there! We are back with the second this year :pencil2: :paintbrush: DDN :paintbrush: :pencil2:
(Doodle Drabble Night for any newcomers :lovebomb:). This time mod oneinist will be hosting for you :sparkles:

If you have set your time zone in your forum profile the event should update to your time zone automatically, and if you haven’t you can use a time zone converter to figure out what time the event is for you. The original timezone is UTC+9 and the event runs Saturday morning 09:00-12:00. We do not have daylight saving time in Japan so please account for that if you do! You can use this time zone converter to check against Tokyo and where you are~

We will have another theme for you to guess, which we have already chosen; but if there’s a particular one you’d like us to do in the future, please message any of the mods so we can add it to our list of DDN themes!

If you’re interested in the event, please let us know whether you’re going or not by responding to the event notice or commenting below!

And, if you want to refresh your memory of what a DDN is, and what the rules are, please read this post; or if you want something to do while you’re waiting, you can take a look at the last set of prompts, and have a go at those!

We hope you can join us!

Thanks for joining the DDN!!!
Below prompts are good till the next one!

Theme: Summer

  1. fireworks
  2. folding fan
  3. goldfish
  4. festival
  5. watermelon
  6. yukata
  7. wind chimes
  8. rain
  9. cicadas
  10. break

Vou ver se consigo participar dessa vez, ando tão sumida da escrita, de tudo…

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:mantelpiece_clock: Almost time for DDN! :mantelpiece_clock:
:broom: Some housekeeping before starting :broom:

A reminder that you technically have 15 minutes per prompt to make it fun and creative. But you don’t have to restrict yourself to the timeframe. If you feel up to the challenge, we’ll definitely be excited to cheer you on though! After 5 prompts we’ll take a 15 min break in the middle~

And remember: if you guess the theme right for tonight’s DDN, you get a doodle by me for the prompt of your choosing! Please DM me if you guess as we want to keep the theme secret until the end of tonight’s DDN!

Also, you can post your and your June 2024 SFW Doodles and Drabbles here and your June 2024 DDN NSFW/DARK Doodles and Drabbles! - Lemon bar here!

If you are unsure whether your doodle or drabble should go in SFW or not, it’s never bad to play it safe and put it in the NSFW/Dark (aka the Lemon Bar). Here is a very concise overview of what is considered SFW/NSFW/Dark.

Most importantly let’s have fun creating together!

:amazingbomb: :lovebomb:

So glad for the reminder! I would have missed (plus, I had it stuck in my head that it was tomorrow)

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:paintbrush: 10 minutes till we start! :pencil2:

And here we go!

Prompt 1: fireworks

You have :mantelpiece_clock: 15 minutes :mantelpiece_clock:

:warning: 5-minute warning :warning:

Prompt 2: folding fan

You have :mantelpiece_clock: 15 minutes :mantelpiece_clock:

:warning: 5-minute warning :warning:

Prompt 3: goldfish

You have :mantelpiece_clock: 15 minutes :mantelpiece_clock:

:warning: 5-minute warning :warning:

@oneinist Kakashi and Iruka look like they’re about to start dancing with those fans!

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Prompt 4: festival

You have :mantelpiece_clock: 15 minutes :mantelpiece_clock:

:warning: 5-minute warning :warning:

@oneinist what are they fishing for?

Prompt 5: watermelon

You have :mantelpiece_clock: 15 minutes :mantelpiece_clock:

Water balloons :sparkles:
and it’s really hard too cause the fishing rod is twisted paper so if it gets wet it breaks!

:warning: 5-minute warning :warning:

:croissant: :rice_ball: :strawberry: Halftime and 15-minute break! :tea: :coffee: :bubble_tea:

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Oh no, I forgot the 5 min warning!