The Traditional Introductions Thread!

Oh they live in my head rent free now!! They saw it was empty again after looking at it for years, and were quite happy to move in :blue_heart:

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Oh my. I am not great with introductions, never know what to write. I am in my late 20s almost 30, my name is Mielikki, she/her. I started reading kakairu fics ooof its been a long while like 2009 or 2008 on and once ao3 opened I started reading on there. There is just something about them that I can never get bored of. I am so sad that i did not find this community until now, younger me would have died lol to find so many liked minded people, but i am just glad to have found you all. There are very few people in my life that read fics and no one who ships them :pensive:. I can’t wait to scour all the fics like a degen gremlin I am. Thank you all for having me!!

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Welcome to the forum Mielikki!! :lovetag:
Together with @kakairu-shrine and @kaoruhana I help mod the forum here :chrublush: :joukashiblush: If you have any questions at all let us know :shuriken:

That is so cool that you have read them for so long :amazingbomb: (I only started out a couple of years ago but I am hooked and I was lucky to find this place then). There is just something special about kakairu isn’t there - and so many different flavours of it too.

Next up here on the forum is the Valentine’s week event starting on February 8th and run by our amazing head mod @kakairu-shrine - we are all looking forward too it :amazingbomb:

We hope you will like it here :revolving_hearts: