The Traditional Introductions Thread!

Hi, InkRavens! Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Wow, I think 2019 was when I started writing fanfic, too! And also after reading a whole bunch of kakairu first!
And of course, a Naruto phase was bound to happen at some point! XD

It’s okay if you’re borderline computer illiterate, as we have a bunch of Forum Guides that can help you figure things out, or you can just ask one of us mods for help!

Speaking of, I am one of said mods, so if you need anything, please feel free to summon me any time!
We’re excited to have you here, and hope you enjoy your stay on the forum!
:chruheartkiss: :joukashiheartkiss:

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thank you!

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Welcome @InkRavens!!!

:chruparty: :joukashiparty:

2019, that means either you’ve had your 3 year anniversary as a fanfiction writer or it is coming up later this year!!! That is so cool :sparkles: It was so much fun to read your drabbles during the last DDN and I hope you will like it here. We love planning events along with hanging on the forum, and hope to keep the fandom happy and fed :chruupsidedown: :joukashiupsidedown:

If ever you have any questions about the forum feel free to ask kakairu-shrine or me as I’m a mod here too :revolving_hearts:


My 3 year anniversary is in June, on my mum’s birthday, actually XD I do (and share) a year in review kind of thing when the anniversary comes up, with stats & stuff, like longest word count, top 5 highest hits, top 5 highest kudos, best kudos:hits ratio, etc.; and it’s always so fascinating to see just how much can be accomplished in a year, and how they compare to previous years!


That sounds like a really fun thing to put together :joukashiglint:

(Speaking of anniversaries, my 1 year is coming up in June :sparkles:)

:chruupsidedown: :joukashiupsidedown:


Welcome InkRavens!
Your introduction made me chuckle, because I was 3cough when I finally had my Narutophase - I was all consumed in the Potterverse for nearly a decade - which is about a year since and yeah I totally get you lol
And don’t worry, I work in IT even though Im orignally a RN and went back to school for an IT degree and can not figure our discord, twitter or Instagram. Lets be illiterate together!


:rofl: I skipped over Naruto and went straight to One Piece. I have a soft spot for pirates (marine biologist and a huge family history tied to the ocean). Thanks for the welcome!


thank you! I had a lot of fun writing them! I also mispoke/typed and looking at the dates on my first fic it was actually 2020 when I started writing. Time is an illusion.


Hi, I’m PaxOhana but I go by Pax. I’m from the US. My tumblr is the same but my ao3 is paxton1976. I’ve been into Naruto since 2005 but started writing in the fandom in November 2021. I love all the wonderful people I’ve met since becoming involved in it, especially the KakaIru bunch. I thoroughly enjoy contributing to the fandom and am really looking forward to being part of this community.


Welcome Pax! I’m happy to see you found your way here!

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Welcome, Pax!!! Glad to see you here!
Naruto has a way of getting us all hooked, doesn’t it! and once you discover KakaIru there is no going back :rofl:

I hope you’ll enjoy the forum and the events :chruheartkiss: And if ever you have any questions about the forum feel free to ask any of us mods, @kakairu-shrine, @kaoruhana or me :revolving_hearts:

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Welcome Pax! :wave: We’re excited to have you here!

Wow, from 2005! You’ve been a loyal fan for quite a while! It’s great that you’ve started writing, too - the more fan content, the better! :amazingbomb:

Feel free to share your kakairu work in the Fanworks section or Lemon Bar (just ask for access!), depending on where it fits with our posting guidelines, if you’re ever so inclined!

The community here is definitely amazing, with some absolutely wonderful, beautiful people; and I’m sure you’re gonna love it here!

As Oneinist mentioned, I’m a mod here, so if you ever need anything, feel free to summon me any time!

Looking forward to seeing you around!

:chruheartkiss: :lovebomb: :joukashiheartkiss:

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Hi all! I’m bigamma, she/her, in my late 40s in Seattle, US. I watched Naruto back when episodes were still coming out, and I had SUCH a thing for Kakashi.

I finally have more time in my life now that my kids are old enough to take care of themselves (mostly), and I’ve been reading fan fiction on my phone a lot for the past year.

I started in The Untamed fandom, but then I realized I could look to see whether anyone else had ever thought about putting Kakashi into a fanfic. AND GUESS WHAT. People did. :heart_eyes:

So far I only have two fanfics posted on AO3, and one of them (the complete one) is Kakairu. I really love this pairing!

As I’ve been reading these fics for the past few months, I kept coming across references to Kakairu Rocks, and today I finally searched and found this place!


Hellooo! and welcome to the forum :wave:

It was such a time wasn’t it, I can relate to waiting for the episodes to come out!

It’s lovely to read how you have gotten back into fanfiction :revolving_hearts: and you’re even writing for the pair too - that’s awesome :amazingbomb:

We’re really glad you found your way here~ I hope you’ll enjoy the forum and the events :chruheartkiss: :joukashiheartkiss: If you have any questions about the forum or the events feel free to ask any of us mods, @kakairu-shrine, @kaoruhana or me :revolving_hearts:


Welcome to the forum! :wave: Wow, I can’t imagine having to wait for the episodes to come out to get your dose of Kakashi! I’m grateful I got into the series as an adult, when I could binge them all at once! Though I vaguely remember watching it as a kid, too.

What a great way to discover Kakashi fanfiction! I bet that would have been an exciting moment, and you would have binge-read like crazy! I know I certainly did when I discovered kakairu fanfics!

I’ll have to go and find your fics and indulge :eyes: I’ve written practically a whole library of kakairu (I have over 100 fics), so if you ever want to binge read kakairu, just go find my account :wink:

That’s amazing that you found the forum through people mentioning us! The people in this community are absolutely lovely, and there’s all sorts of things to do here, so I hope you enjoy your time with us!

As @oneinist mentioned, I am one of the mods here, so if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to message me!

Have a wonderful day/night!
:chruheartkiss: :lovebomb: :joukashiheartkiss:

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@Bigamma : WELCOME!!! It’s so nice to see another KakaIru fan! And we’re so glad to have you join us here at the forum! We hope you’ll enjoy it here! And as the others said: if you have any questions: let me or @oneinist or @kakairu-shrine know!

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Hello! I came across this forum when I was searching for an ao3 fanfiction. I think the author deleted their account and therefore the stories are gone. I plan on replying to a post and/or creating a new post in the appropriate thread that mentioned the story that I am seeking. To be honest, that is why I have created an account here, though I will explore the forum more.

Anyways, I am early 30s F, and while I haven’t been invested in manga/anime in a few years, I am stilled hooked on the kakairu ship. I never shipped them when I was watching the series (never finished, left off somewhere in Shippuden), but when I read a sasusaku story, they were a pairing that I was intrigued by and it just became one that I enjoyed the most. No idea why! I used to read on FFN, but made the migration to ao3. I don’t write stories, I just read them :slight_smile:

Anyways, I hope I can get some sort of help, even if it is just to be told that the story is lost forever and ever and I have to just remember the story in my dreams.


I swore to myself that if I finished the maze challenge event I would post here, and this seems as good a place as any to start.

Uh. Hi. I’m Boreal, BorealLights on ao3, BorealWrites/howdoistormspirit on tumblr. I’m 30+, they/them. I’ve been shipping KakaIru casually for a very long time (pre-Shippuden being released) and I do mean casually. To the point that I didn’t think about them most of the time unless I saw something with them, then I’d go “oh my god I love that ship” before continuing on with my life.

In the past few months my brain decided they were gonna be my new obsession. And so, here I am.


Welcome to the forum, Boreal! :wave: I can’t say I relate to casually shipping kakairu, as Kakashi & Iruka live in my head rent-free 24/7; but I do definitely know that feeling of forgetting something exists and then suddenly being reminded of it and getting excited about it all over again! Maybe if you join us for more kakairu events, Kakashi & Iruka will move into your head permanently, too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But even if that doesn’t happen, you’re still welcome to join us here & casually check in! I’m one of the mods here, so if you need anything, please feel free to reach out any time!

Have a wonderful day/night!
:chruheartkiss: :lovebomb: :joukashiheartkiss:

Welcome to the forum! :wave: I apologise for not responding until now. I vaguely remember seeing your post when I busy with something and told myself I’d get back to you soon, but it seems I forgot :sweat_smile:

Do you know who the author is? I would say if they’ve deleted their account and they haven’t posted their fics elsewhere, then their work is probably gone; but perhaps you could find them on their socials, and reach out to them? Maybe they don’t want to share their work publicly anymore, but they might be okay sharing privately? I could be wrong, but there’s no harm in asking!