Now, there has been a Meta Monday on clothes done before: Wearing Each other’s Clothes. . However, that topic is different from this one.
Who steals clothes is very different from who is wearing whose clothes. Imagine Kakashi reaching for clothing to pack on missions and suddenly finding himself one shirt short. Or Iruka wondering where his comfortable tee-shirt, the one with so many tears and spills has disappeared to.
I imagine they each steal each others clothing but for different reasons. Iruka finds Kakashi’s shirts comfortable and snug: nice and warm and comfy on days that he just wants to feel comfortable. Kakashi on the other steals that shirt of Iruka’s to take with him on missions: he keeps it in his pack as a reminder that he’s got someone special to go home to .
What are your thoughts? Who steals the other clothing? Both, one?
I love this! In the beginning of the relationship, when they’re living apart, I can picture both of them breaking into each other’s homes to steal clothes, or snagging them from the clothesline or laundromat.
I can definitely imagine Kakashi summoning his ninken to help him steal clothes, too - sometimes they break in because Iruka’s wards don’t stop animals, or they just go knocking on the door and find an excuse to go inside; and when Iruka is distracted, one of them will slip away to grab what Kakashi asked for.
However, what Kakashi (and Iruka) doesn’t know, is that the ninken love Iruka so much that they want something of his for themselves, too; so whenever Kakashi asks them to steal for him, they take something for themselves, too
And now they have a huge secret stash of both Kakashi’s and Iruka’s clothes that they cuddle up to & sometimes fight over and play tug of war with XD
Hmmm… I feel like kakashi would steal Irukas cloths just to be annoying and have an excuse to talk to him. Like pre-relationship!!! Like they are at the ninja laundry mat and kakashi just so happens to “find” Irukas shirt in his laundry the next day and invites himself over to return it and also while he’s there may as well get lunch or dinner or stay forever. Haha
I love this idea of the Ninken stealing Kakashi and Iruka’s clothing. It’s so cute and funny! I can imagine it now. Iruka walks in one day on Pakkun trying to fit one of his old vests on Shiba, and he just doesn’t know what to do about it. I kind of want to write a scene like that now. Or a drabble or something.
Ooh! Yes! Kakashi would definitely do this. He’d start doing this quite often, but just randomly enough that Iruka isn’t sure if there is a recurring pattern. All the other shinobi would know what he was doing though! I can totally see this happening and think it would be a great premise for a “Meet-cute” kind of fic!
That’s right! He does have an enhanced sense of smell doesn’t he? I could see the two of them doing this actually. Iruka cuddling into Kakashi’s old shirts and reminding himself of his partner, Kakashi clutching Iruka’s clothing near him as a memento on missons. This is such a unique idea!
Omg I love that Iruka forgets where he got the shirt and wears it and kakashi is like 
hahahahahah this is a great story idea.
I love all your ideas! And the concept of reformed prankster Iruka stealing the clothes is such a great one! I especially love the idea of Iruka forgetting and wearing Kakashi’s shirt one day! I agree with @Mandapandabug : great fic idea!