Hey, all! We hope you’ve had a great month! It’s that time again, where we do a Meta Monday or Naruto Poll; and this time, we’re getting Meta!
Our last one was about what kind of gods Kakashi & Iruka would be; and in the time that has passed since then, we also opened a new Naruto poll about whether Jiraiya or Tsunade is worse with money!
But now it’s Kakashi & Iruka discussion time; and this time, we want to know:
What are Kakashi & Iruka’s everyday fears?
Is Iruka afraid of spiders, or the dentist? Is Kakashi scared of the ocean? What about needles? Do the two of them have claustrophobia, or share another kind of fear? Or do they have no everyday fears, and only darker ones, like about death and what comes after?
What do you think? Tell us in the comments below!