@13Bella Vampire Kakashi & Dragon Iruka!

Beware, Iruka.

@Cyhyr This gets more interesting. Now they are both cursed! Do you know yet what form Kakashi’s takes?

I do actually know what Kakashi’s curse is!
We’ll just have to see if the prompts let me actually reveal it :wink:


AND we have a winner on the theme! @mt_nikolle : congrats on guessing the theme right for this month’s DDN! Please don’t forget to message me a prompt for a drabble!

The theme will be revealed at the end of the night.


Alas, I don’t like being on the other side of the suspense bridge, but I can hardly complain :wink:

Alright: we are back with Prompt 6: rink

Okay, five minute warning on Prompt 6!

@Cyhyr : One of these days, I’m gonna go reread all of your lovely drabbles about that little family and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :chruhearteyes: :chruheartkiss: :joukashiheartkiss: :joukashihearteyes:

only the drabbles here are fluffy :sweat_smile: the series following this Verse on AO3 is very whump and quite the emotional read.

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Just the kind of stuff I like to read.

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And prompt 7: jump

OMG @Anannua : Yay! So glad to have you here joining us!!! I love this doodle! You sketched out an entire scene in 15 minutes? Amazing! Kakashi looks like he doesn’t want to be there, but Iruka finds it interesting. I love it!

Oh! I love how you’re challenging yourself with these prompts @mt_nikolle ! You’re truly talented!

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5 minute warning on prompt 7!

And Gai has made an entrance! I’m loving this story too @Cyhyr !
@Anannua : you captured Iruka’s expression so well!!!

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@mt_nikolle :uh oh: I hope the light is something good!

And Prompt 8: skate

@Anannua I love both of your sketches! Especially “Jump!” You captured Iruka’s feelings really well.

@Cyhyr Oh no? Gai has arrived. Will Kakashi’s trouble come as a surprise?

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Wow @13Bella : :joukashinosebleed:

To Gai, sure :smiling_imp: a very unpleasant surprise

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5 minute warning on Prompt 8!