Meta Monday: What are Iruka and Kakashi's favorite seasons?

Meta Monday: What are Iruka and Kakashi’s favorite seasons?

Iruka: I think his favorite season is summer. I think Iruka is one of those people who likes the hot sun bearing down on him, the sound of cicadas in the air, the sound of children’s laughter as they play in the parks. It also is the time he is off from school and I think he likes the idea of being able to spend more time with Naruto. He’s also not got a green thumb, but he likes to work at the vegetable garden and share the fruits of his labor with friends (so they can cook for him cause he is terrible in the kitchen).

Kakashi: I think Kakashi’s would be fall. Fall is the changing season when we see things fade and start to rest. It’s the season of friends and warmth and huddling together around fires as well. It’s when he has his birthday, it’s the season when saury is at its freshest. It’s the time of crunchy leaves and Naruto’s birthday and it’s the time he feels most at home in Konoha because it brings back good memories for him. I also like to think that Kakashi doesn’t like the heat so when that first draft of cool weather hits, he likes to sit by his window, a cup of warm tea in his hands as he watches Konoha prepare for the coming cooler weather.

What are y’all’s thoughts?