March 2023 SFW Doodles and Drabbles

Prompt 7 — Bento (no português brasileiro, fica assim)

Iruka não era o melhor cozinheiro, para ser sincero mal conseguia preparar algo simples na cozinha. Sua especialidade gastronômica eram laméns instantâneos. Mas fazia o seu melhor e estava melhorando.

Naquele dia, estava orgulhoso de si. Havia errado a receita apenas duas vezes e tinha certeza que havia acertado.

Montou o bento da melhor forma que conseguiu e enviou para o marido no escritório.

Kakashi não tinha muita certeza do que aquilo deveria ser, mas tinha um palpite. Se ele diria que a comida estava salgada e queimada? Jamais.

Receberia com todo amor e carinho todos os bentos de Iruka.


Prompt 8 — Reunião

Kakashi olhava para aquele amontoado de pessoas na sua sala, e sentia que poderia ter um colapso a qualquer momento. Nunca foi fã dessas reuniões, conversas altas e bebidas, mas não era como se pudesse os expulsar. Não quando via Iruka rir de alguma besteira que Gai falou, que provavelmente o envolvia. Seu amigo gostava de fazê-lo passar vergonha.

Estava distraído que quase assustou quando alguém o puxou pela mão e o levou para a pequena varanda.

“Desculpe pela ousadia Kakashi, parecia que estava desconfortável”, declarou Iruka com as bochechas coradas.

No final, aquelas reuniões não eram tão ruins assim.


Prompt 8

“Ruka…” Kakashi whines. “You promised nothing big.”

“And it isn’t, Kakashi. Just a gathering of our dearest friends.” He leads his reluctant husband around to the back garden.


There, standing all over his lawn, is half of Konoha.

“Just our dearest friends, huh?” Kakashi arches an eyebrow at the sheepish-looking chunin.

Iruka blushes and scratches his facial scar. “Well, I may have gone a little overboard.”

Kakashi is pulled into the center of the crowd, where a large cake awaits him. He refuses to let go of Iruka’s hand.

“Happy birthday, Kakashi. I’m so glad to celebrate you.”


Prompt: Gathering

Iruka and Anko snatched the lists from Izumo and Kotetsu’s hands with a laugh.

“There’s no way you two are just trading lists again this year!” Anko exclaimed as she passed Kotetsu hers.

“Fine,” Izumo huffed as he grabbed the paper from Iruka’s hand with ill grace before he and Kotetsu stomped off.

“You’re not allowed to work together!” Iruka called after them, voice filled with laughter. They each saluted him with a special finger before parting ways… temporarily, Iruka was sure.

He turned and smirked at Anko. She responded, “I made my list extra tricky this year. Shall we?”


He tried so hard please be nice to him


Prompt 9 — Primavera

Foi durante a primavera que eles se conheceram, naquele campo florido, com a brisa balançando seus cabelos, que foram adornados por uma linda coroa de flores.

Foi na primavera que assumiram seus sentimentos, mesmo com as diferenças e implicâncias que aquele relacionamento traria para ambos.

Naquela mesma primavera foram afastados devido a uma missão.

“Parece que estão querendo nos afastar”, sussurrou enquanto uma margarida era colocada em seus cabelos.

“Talvez queiram”, concordou.

Foram duas primaveras sozinho, sua estação preferida estava perdendo a cor.

Na terceira primavera, a cor voltou, mesmo sendo cinza, coloria seus dias.

Voltou a amar a Primavera.


Prompt 9

You knew it was springtime in Konoha not by the budding leaves or the emergence of flowers. No, you knew when it was spring because that was the time of year when Gai reached unprecedented heights in his flowery tributes to the flourishing of youth.

That year he had set up a platform to debate how best to showcase the flowering of said youth for all to see. His reluctant debate partner was none other than his eternal rival, roped into the event because he’d lost a challenge.

A plan formed in Kakashi’s genius brain. “The best showcase is demonstration of affection,” he told Gai. Without waiting for a reply he hopped off the stage, grabbed a passing Iruka-sensei with an audible squeak, and planted a kiss directly to his lips.

So there. He nodded to a gaping Gai and led a red-faced Iruka away from the crowd. Second kisses were better done in private, after all. And he had an entire springtime of youthful energy to put to good use.


Prompt: Spring
Direct continuation of Gathering:

Iruka agreed, “Let the annual Spring Scavenger Hunt begin!”

They opened up their lists.

As Iruka read his he got paler and paler, then blushed a brilliant pink all the way down past his collar.

“What’s wrong?” Anko asked.

“We got played,” Iruka whispered, somewhat awed, somewhat terrified. “Or I did, at least. What’s on your list?”

“Not so fast! What did they give you?”

He held it out for her to read.

“They definitely got you this year! Every single thing on here is Kakashi’s… I’m sure he’ll give them to you if you ask extra nicely…

Iruka blushed.


Prompt 10 — Parques

Kakashi estava entediado.

Seus ninkens estavam entediados.

Até mesmo Espantalho estava entediado.

Não havia nada para fazerem naquele dia de folga que o jounnin havia recebido após uma missão que quase o levou a uma exaustão,novamente, de chakra.

Iruka ouviu dez bufos e se rendeu. Não conseguiria se concentrar com todo aquele barulho.

“Vocês venceram. Vamos ao parque.”

Houve uma comoção quando ouviram aquilo e logo uma correria se iniciou para poderem sair.

Infelizmente o parque estava lotado e os ninkens e o Espantalho atentados, o que resultou em uma volta prematura para casa.

Parque ficaria para outro dia.

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Prompt 10

Kakashi lay on the lawn in his favorite park, staring up at the clouds. It was important to take the time to enjoy little moments like this one, especially when the demands of the Hokage hat clamored for his attention at every moment.

He sighed and turned his head to regard the sleeping chunin next to him. It was rare that Iruka took a day off, but seeing him so peaceful in the afternoon sunlight confirmed that Kakashi had been right in insisting. Now if only they could stay like this forever.

He leaned over and stroked the cheek of his most precious person. Every day he wondered what he’d done right to deserve Iruka in his life.

The chunin stirred, and his eyes fluttered open to regard Kakashi. Then he smiled, and everything else melted away. They were the lucky ones. And Kakashi would never forget how grateful he was.