KakaIru Maze Challenge 2024 SIGN UPS!

Calling all KakaIru creators! There is a rift in the space-time continuum; and Kakashi has gotten separated from Iruka while investigating the anomaly, and needs help getting through a maze of alternate universes to get back to him & Konoha!

He is seeking a talented creator to guide him through the worlds he has been teleported to, and conquer all the prompts blocking the path to Iruka, back to Konoha. If not, well… there’s no telling what will happen to him!

So if you think you’ve got what it takes to navigate through the Alternate Universes and aid Kakashi, please SIGN UP HERE to join him on his adventure!

And you’d better hurry, because sign ups close on 30th June! If the journey is put off any longer, it might be too late!

Mazes will be handed out by 1st July, and the creation period is from 1st July - 31st August. We ask that you don’t post anything before then!

Mission Details:

You will be given a maze that has Kakashi at the beginning, and Iruka at the end. The goal will be for you to help Kakashi find his way to Iruka. To do this, you must figure out the path to reach him. But there’s a catch…

Scattered throughout the maze will be different symbols, which mark a trap or other danger that Kakashi has to face to continue on. Each symbol represents a different prompt, which will be listed in a key below the maze; and the only way Kakashi can get past is for you to make a creation for the prompt that is blocking him.

Once you have finished creating something for all the prompts along the path, Kakashi will reunite with Iruka, and you will have completed the challenge!


  • If there are multiple paths on your maze, you can choose whichever route you like to get to Iruka, even if it’s the long way around!
  • You do not have to draw the path you’ve decided to take, you only have to create something for the prompts you come across along it.
  • You can make creations for as many prompts as you like, but you must get all the prompts along the path to Iruka to win the challenge.
  • Minimum requirements: 100 words for fics, completed sketch for art.
  • Chapter fics don’t need to be complete to count!
  • Creations will be accepted in any language!
  • If you finish your maze, you can contact mod @kakairu-shrine​ for another one to do!


  • All content must be created for this event – old/ recycled work will not be allowed.
  • This is a KakaIru event, so all works must be endgame KakaIru.
  • Triggering, sensitive & NSFW content must be tagged appropriately. If it isn’t, we will not share it.

Where to post:

Kakairu Rocks Forum: SFW content in the Fanworks section, and NSFW or triggering content in the Lemon Bar (You must be a forum member, and 18+ to have access to the Lemon Bar).

We have an AO3 Collection you can post to, which will be open until 15th September (Kakashi’s birthday!); and we would like you to use the tag KakaIru Maze Challenge 2024.

Tag us on Tumblr with the prompt your work is for, and/ or use kakairu maze challenge 2024 in the tags.

On Twitter, tag @kkirrocksevents and use #KakaIruMazeChallenge2024

All tagged work will be shared by us, and a masterpost will be created at the end of the event!

If you have any questions about the KakaIru Maze Challenge, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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