How to Privately Message Someone

How To Privately Message Someone

The forum is a great way for sharing your ideas and chatting with everyone, but sometimes there are reasons for wanting to talk to someone privately; so how exactly do you do that?

Method 1
  1. Find somewhere that the person has posted. This can be a post, or simply a comment.

  1. Click on their name.

  1. Press “Message”.

4. Type out your message, and hit “Message”! That’s it! You have sent your message!


  • When you decide to private message someone this way, the subject and content will be pre-filled based on the thread you’re messaging the person from; but you can delete what’s there and write your own message.
  • If you want to send your message to multiple people, just type everyone’s names in the “User” box; and when you send the message, the others you chose will receive it, too!

Method 2: For PC
  1. Type the person’s username in the search bar at the top of the home page.

  1. Click on their name.

  1. Press “Message”.

  1. Type out your message, and hit “Message”! That’s all you have to do!


  • If you want to send your message to multiple people, just type everyone’s names in the “User” box; and when you send the message, the others chose will receive it, too!
Method 2: For Phone
  1. Type the person’s username in the search bar at the top of the home page.

  1. Click on their profile picture.

3. Press “Message”.

  1. Type out your message, and hit Message”!


  • If you want to send your message to multiple people, just type everyone’s names in the “User” box; and when you send the message, the others chose will receive it, too!
Method 3
  1. Click on your profile image.

  1. Select your username.

  1. Press “Messages”.

  1. Select “New Message”.

  1. Choose the person/ people you want to message.

  1. Type out your message, and hit “Message”! Everyone you wanted to talk to will now have your message!

If you have any questions about how to do this, please ask!

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