Prompt 10: wizard

You have :mantelpiece_clock: 15 minutes :mantelpiece_clock:

Time is flying!! The last prompt is here :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

@oneinist Tiny dragon! He looks so cute!

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:warning: 5-minute warning :warning:

@radseeds Your doodles are fantastic! Wizard Kakashi made me giggle, and Kakashi’s hand holding the photo is just too precious!

@radseeds Gosh your doodles are amazing!!

@oneinist Your wizard Kakashi looks great! I love his giant hat and dragon staff.

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I have been reading your blurbs @mt_nikolle and looking at all the art @oneinist and I am so endlessly charmed by everything hehe

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And that everyone, was our last prompt for the night/day~~~

Thank you so much for joining and we hope you had as much fun as we did hosting it @mt_nikolle and @radseeds - so glad you both could join! I had a blast!

:chruuwu: :joukashiuwu:

As usual, February’s prompts are good until the next DDN (date to be decided)~

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Thanks for hosting us tonight/this morning, One! It’s been a lot of fun!

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thank ya for hosting! I was late but these are always fun even though I am a terrible guesser

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