We are excited to introduce our next shining star for the Creator Spotlight… @Tmo! This is a member’s only activity where we reach out to one of the talented people in our community each month to find out all about them and their kakairu creations, and then show them off to the world!
We hope you enjoy learning about Tmo & her creations as much as we did. Please give her some love
Pronouns: No preference (She/ Her, He/ Him, They/ Them)
Type of Creator (artist, writer, both, etc.): Writer
Where to find them:
1. How long have you been creating KakaIru fanworks?
According to FF.net, my first fic I posted was back in October of 2011. I’d been writing it for months and was so nervous to post but it was so worth it and if there’s anyone out there who needs that sign to post what you’ve been working on, this is it!
2. What are you working on right now?
I’ve got a lot of fics in the works like my Bing Bang fic, my Shrek-inspired series and the Game of Thorns was a series I started a few years ago will be getting a sequel in the next few months so that should be fun! In non-KakaIru things, I’ve got a Kakashi-centric fic that’s supposed to be a calming, chill kind of fic that focuses more on friendship and introspection. The KakaIru Mini Bang is also happening soon too so I’m working on some sweet slice of life!
3. What is your favourite trope to create for?
If you’ve ever read my stuff, you’d know AUs of all kinds are definitely my favourite since it gives the writer so much room to play with when it comes to storytelling. Other than AUs though, I adore fluff and slow burns because I’ve got a nasty sweet tooth.
4. Which of your creations is your favourite, and why?
So, many of my stories are about love and adventure; universally easy concepts to read about. Back in 2017, the news broke that the lead singer of one of my favourite bands had ended his life after struggling with depression and substance abuse, one of those things I know very well myself. So, when the Kakairu Fest Summer Round and The Time-Traveler’s Wife prompt came up, it gave me a space to deal with those emotions so I’d have to say One More Light is my favourite even though I know it’s not conventionally likeable.
5. Do you have any WIPs you’re excited about?
KakaIru Month is happening so I’m taking the same route as Valentine’s Week and writing up some drabbles which are always fun to write because it’s like a puzzle to try and figure out how to get so many ideas into such little space. And, of course, my Big Bang fic!
6. Do you have any original characters? If so, tell us about them!
None that I’ve used for stories. Mainly, I make OCs for dnd campaigns and original stuff but maybe I’ll pepper in an OC or two in the future!
7. What was your hardest piece to create, and why?
Fifty Shades of Grey. A hundred percent. This was such a rough story not because of the plot but because of the nuance. My whole goal was to do the complete opposite of its namesake which meant learning about NSFW things I wasn’t familiar with and really trying to paint a picture of a healthy adult relationship with consent and emotional awareness. It still may be quite safe to some readers but that might also stem from my own boundaries, something I think all creators should feel comfortable with and maybe even a bit curious about.
8. Do you have any favourite scenes from something you’ve created?
Typically, I don’t look back at my writing because of embarrassment but this year I’ve taken a hard look at my work. I actually have two scenes I can’t get out of my head as my favourite. One is at the beginning of the last chapter of A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… where Kakashi and Iruka are just pining over each other in a flashback. The second is Sunday Morning which is just a whole scene of a fluffy slice of life.
9. Where does your inspiration come from?
Usually, movies and music, as you can probably tell from all the non-canon stories I’ve got
I’ll usually binge-listen to music when I’m trying to get into the writing mood, mainly playlists that have the vibes I’m looking to write for (I highly suggest jazz btw).
10. Which of your creations is the most meaningful to you, and why?
Not How I Imagined Starting Senior Year - This one means a lot to me in the grand scheme of my writing. Rather than being meaningful in terms of the plot though, this story changed how I wrote. It was a fic that I didn’t rush out and took a lot of care into writing. Before then, I’d write a chapter without planning ahead and let it run wherever it wanted to as long as it got to the ending I had in mind. While that’s useful for some stories, it’s also useful for others to know at least vaguely what you want to do in a chapter to be able to focus on foreshadowing and flow especially for longer stories where those elements make for a better read and may have readers coming back.
Since writing it, I’m so much more confident no matter how I choose to write something. You can always make something and save it for later. Sure, you may have taken the wrong route and accidentally got lost. Take out what doesn’t work and start over. Even if you don’t use it, you still created something. And what a happy accident it is.