Can’t find a specific fan fiction

Guys, I need help! And I hope this is the right section :frowning:
I can’t find a specific fan fic I read and I’m afraid I didn’t bookmark it sob
I don’t remember much unfortunately BUT what I remember is: it’s KakaIru (obviously lol) and it’s early on, pre-canon because Iruka took in/adopted a very small Naruto.
I remember a scene where Kakashi entered Iruka place and sees tiny sandals and rain boots.
I can’t stop thinking of it it drives me nuts!
Please, if you have any idea let me know!
Thank you :heart::heart:

Edit: I actually moved it to Rec lol since you hopefully can rec the fic I’m looking for

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You almost had it in the right spot! We have a sub-category in Rec called Fic Search (which I’ve moved your post to), and it was made exactly for this!
Sadly, I’m not sure of fic you’re talking about, but hopefully someone else will know!

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