DDN December 2021

Okay, FIVE minute warning on Prompt 6!

Okay, are we ready for Prompt 7: Star!

Okay, five minute warning on prompt 7!

Alright Prompt 8: Garland

:christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: Anyone else blasting Christmas music while doodling or drabbling or do you prefer silence or something else maybe??? :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:

read that from a distance and thought it said garfield


Nope. No time to switch soundtracks!

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physically i am sitting in silence but spiritually i am blasting Mariah


Okay, five minute warning!

Okay, next prompt: Presents!

Five minute warning on Prompt 9!

AND LAST PROMPT of the night!


Now to finish typing… :unamused:

Our last five minute warning of the night!

You can do it! I’m sitting out this last drabble, but I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

procreate is playing judas tonight i somehow lost a whole doodle RIP

And we are DONE! Thank you to all who participated! @oneinist , @mt_nikolle @radseeds , I hope you enjoyed the prompts and the creative things you put out!

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Oh no! Any autosaving fuction for recovery?

Oh no :frowning: I’m sorry to hear that.

Whooo! Yes, I had a lot of fun! So many pages of writing! I never would have imagined that I could!