Hey, all! We hope you’ve had a great month! It’s that time again, where we do a Meta Monday or Naruto Poll; and this time, we’re getting Meta!
Our last one was about how Kakashi & Iruka would spend Thanksgiving; and in the time that has passed since then, we also opened a new Naruto poll about who would be good at decorating gingerbread houses!
But now it’s Kakashi & Iruka discussion time; and we want to know:
How big would Kakashi & Iruka’s Christmas light display be?
Would Kakashi & Iruka go all out with lights and decorations, and perhaps closer to Christmas, dress up as Santa and give lollies to kids? Or would they have a small display just so they don’t feel guilty about having nothing up? Maybe they’d rather go around looking at & appreciating other people’s lights instead of having their own?
What do you think? Tell us in the comments below!