Kakashi Vs. Gai: Who is better at karaoke?

:microphone: :notes: :notes:

  • Kakashi
  • Gai
  • They’re equally as good
  • They’re equally as bad

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I feel like Gail would be way to passionate and try screaming into the microphone and ruin everyone’s ear drums while Kakashi wouldn’t want anyone to know that he’s a good singer so he’d put on a facade (as is his way) and make it just close enough of a “match” but still come out ontop.

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Yes! I can totally see that! Gai singing his heart out, and Kakashi doing enough to sound better than Gai, but not good enough to get attention for being a good singer (because people would surely try to get him to sing all the time, otherwise!) XD

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Exactly :joy::joy:

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Somehow I see Gai belt out on country music and try to get Kakashi sing duetts with him. Kakashi on the other hand is defintiely into sappy lovesongs, i mean…Icha Icha, right?