Round 4: Soulmate AU v. Fake/Pretend Relationship

For the Soulmate AU, badger recommended “Bind Me (Together, Forever)” by MagnusTesla! They say that you take on the best characteristics of the ones you love - this takes it to a physical level. Badger is so enthusiastic about this trope that they also recommend all the rest of kkir soulmate minibangs! The full list of all the good fics (and others!) can be found here.

For the Fake/Pretend Relationship, catnerys recommended save us all from kids with good intentions and What makes a good relationship? by dahtwitchi, a comic series where Iruka and Kakashi team up to get a newlywed Naruto eager to share the joys of married life off Iruka’s back. In addition, a favourite of mine: a place where i sink to sleeping by pepperfield, which has its own summary but mine is: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Hokage must be in want of a partner.”

Have any other recs? Don’t hesitate to tell us! :smiley:

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